Monday, October 1, 2018

How to make any man beg you for commitment (Terrific advice from a cat)

Here’s a fun (slightly evil) little experiment that you should definitely try out.
Sneak up on a cat, as quietly as you can, and try to pick it up.
I’m being completely serious here. Sneak up on that cat as quietly as a cat sneaks up on mice, and scoop it up like it’s a fumbled football.
You might call this crazy, and you’re not wrong if you do, but I prefer the word “educational”.
9 times out of 10, that cat’s going to take off like it’s on bath salts. You’ll probably also get a few claw scratch beauty marks for your trouble.
There are a few things to take away from this experiment. 
Number one, don’t ever do it again. 
Number two, the cat ran away because cats hate any kind of sneakiness that isn’t their own sneakiness. 
Number three, men aren’t cats, but you shouldn’t get sneaky with them either.
A lot of women try to get their man to commit like trying to snatch up a cat, and the rate of success is just about the same. 
Oh, by the way, I am not saying it's your fault. In most cases, it's never the woman's fault because she basically doesn't understand the weirdness of the male mind (more on this later). 
Now, let’s try an experiment that actually isn’t impulsive.
Instead of stalking the cat, let’s try approaching from the front so that it knows we’re there. Cats, like men, are visual creatures. Cats prefer to see things coming.
By approaching from the front, we can actually get into its personal space without making the cat hate us. 
After you accomplish the task of getting close to the cat while it sees you, like a normal person, you can gently pet it and it might not hiss and take off like a bottle rocket.
Men are bigger than cats and not so great at slipping under the sofa at a moment’s notice, but it’s the principle here that counts.
At the first hint that a woman is trying to be sneaky with them, they’re going to make themselves scarce.
Lots of men today are already a little bit paranoid about potentially hidden motives of their partners, and you definitely don’t want to give him a good reason to be on guard. Spies aren’t known for having stable relationships, so save the sneakiness for the secret agents. 
Now, here is the weird bit - You might not be sneaky whatsoever, but in the crazy world of men, what you think is completely innocent might be seen as EVIL if you were to look at the same from a male lens. 
There’s just one thing that we need to remember above all else: men (and also cats, for the record) love their freedom. 
To a man, being free and being alive are one and the same. The threat of losing his freedom is even scarier to a man than cliff diving, public speaking, earthquakes, and romantic comedy movie marathons combined.
To put it simply, if you want to lose a man as quickly as possible, grab onto him as tightly as possible. He’ll slip out of your grasp like an eel and put three oceans of distance between the two of you in one fluid motion.
To a man, the thought of getting locked down to the wrong woman is the same thing as death. It’s not that they’re afraid of the concept of getting locked down, though, but just that a relationship with the wrong woman feels no better to him than being in prison. Prison means no freedom, and no freedom means no life.
But there is one thing you can do right now that will make any man chase you to the point of madness and literally make a fool out of himself to win you over.  
So what is this one thing you ask? I call it a "Mesmerizing Phrases". 
Here is a personal video for you explaining how this works - 

In short…
This is a set of Psychological Hidden Messages that provoke any man to feel so much ADDICTIVE LOVE that he'll fall at your feet just for a moment of your attention.  

This means that the same commitment phobic man will now desperately kneel at your feet
and will gently slide a ring across your finger to seal the deal forever.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Allow ClearPores to Produce Results and Restore your Confidence and your Beauty

Allow ClearPores 

There are a lot of things that can have an adverse affect on your self esteem but having problem skin is definitely one of the most stressful things that can damage your outlook on life for sure. Somehow having acne seems to put up a barrier between you and other people and deep down� you wonder if they are really seeing the real you, or just the spots on your face. It can have a truly devastating effect on your self confidence and really hold you back from being the best person you can be. For those folks who have not suffered the incredible damage that acne can cause, it really is hard for them to understand what you go through every single day.
Well fortunately for you now there is a product on the market that really can help eliminate acne, reduce blemishes, clear up inflammation and go a long way to increasing your self confidence and your outlook on life.
Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System will do all of this for you and more. It is a unique three part comprehensive system that not only works on the surface of your skin to get rid of blemishes and acne, but also works to support your internal system to reduce inflammation and eliminate acne from reoccurring. This revolutionary product is comprised of natural ingredients which mean that you will not suffer side effects that can occur with other products that might contain cortisone or other ingredients that can cause more damage than good.
This amazing skin system has been tested by the most discerning of people — people who have suffered years of agony caused by acne and are not about to help promote any product that is not effective. There are many reasons for Clear Pores effectiveness. It's unique combination of three distinct products — the Deep Facial Wash, the Herbal Supplements, and the Facial Protection Cream all work together to not only eliminate acne but make sure it doesn't return.
Their laboratories have used the latest in scientific advances to create the ultimate product that will work for you. It works to not only eliminate spots caused by acne bacteria, but also works from the inside to attack acne from the root. It also removes excessive oil, ensuring skin that is free from that unsightly oily look. It also helps to moisturize your skin, leaving it with a healthy natural glow. The Clear Pores system also helps to reduce redness, swelling and scarring often associated with acne problems. It removes white and blackheads and leaves your skin looking and feeling clearer and cleaner.
So what are you waiting for? Why not give the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System a try today? There is a full money back guarantee waiting for you, so really you have nothing to lose but years of bad skin and low self esteem. And you have everything to gain including clear, clean, blemish free skin and a new outlook on life. So go ahead, order today and look forward to a happier tomorrow.
For more information, go to

Monday, July 6, 2015

Are You Exercising But Gaining Weight?

by Dr. Eric Wood, MA, ND

Have you ever encountered this fairly frequent problem?  You’re going to the gym…you’re exercising routinely…maybe 3 or 4 times a week, yet the scale won’t budge or actually goes up?!  Talk about frustrating!  Well in this short article, we’ll talk about a few things to first take a look at that could be sabotaging your progress, complicating the situation or standing in the way of the fat loss you’re trying to achieve.

Consideration #1: Remember muscle weighs more than fat!

If you’re beginning to exercise and especially using weights, remember that you may actually be gaining muscle at the same time you’re losing fat.  And if this is the case, your weight may stay the same or even go up!  What you will want to pay attention to more specifically is are you losing inches (I suggest measuring every week when starting a new exercise regimen) and are you seeing improvements in your body composition (which is more important than the number on the scale anyhow)?
  What do I mean by body composition?  Well that refers to the percentage of lean muscle & bone vs. fat tissue in your body.  The leaner you are the higher percentage of muscle & bone and the lower the percentage of fat you’ll have, which can be readily measured fairly accurately by hand-held electronic body composition devices available for purchase online for less than $50! 
If you are dropping fat and the inches are melting off but the scale isn’t changing,  I wouldn’t worry too much about this, as you’re headed in the right direction.  Make sure you’re consuming plenty of fluids simultaneously as being dehydrated can also slow the breakdown of fat and contribute to fat loss plateau.

Consideration #2: Do you have signs of hormonal imbalance?

While this can apply to both men and women, it typically is more marked for women as it relates to weight loss, as women’s hormonal cycles can dramatically influence water retention and weight gain and plateauing.  If you’re female, over 35, and have symptoms like shortening periods, irregular cycles or heavier flow, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, weight gain, blood sugar irregularities, or fertility issues, these may all be signs of something we term ‘estrogen dominance’, which will contribute to greater difficulty in losing weight. 
Getting your hormone levels tested and then consulting with a qualified health care provider on how to balance your hormones safely and naturally can be extremely important in helping one achieve weight loss!  This also applies to men increasingly over the age of 40, as testosterone levels gradually drop starting around age 30 and more tends to get converted into estrogen, which eventually results in the condition of low testosterone relative to estrogen for many men, creating a ‘relative estrogen dominance’ for guys too.  Symptoms of this for men can include stubborn belly fat, gynecomastia (male breast enlargement), thinning leg or secondary body hair, moodiness or a grumpy disposition, and increased cardiovascular problems. 
Again, if you are a man and showing some of these signs, don’t hesitate in getting your hormone levels checked as it could be as simple as balancing your testosterone to estrogen that is standing in the way of your weight loss!
That’s where the paleo diet comes in—with so many fresh and whole foods with no added sugars to them—it naturally supports more optimal insulin and blood sugar levels so that you’re not suffering from all the woeful detrimental effects of too much sugar. Talk about a sweet, not-so-sweet alternative!

Consideration #3: Are you drinking enough water?

This sounds simple but it is profound as most people are chronically dehydrated.  While individual hydration needs do differ, an approximation that many individuals could go by is consuming half their body weight in pounds in ounces of hydrating fluids (i.e. water, herbal teas, fresh pressed fruit/veggie juices, and coconut water).  Water is obviously lost through exercising and without enough hydrating fluids, your fat loss will grind to a painstakingly slow process.  So, remember to keep track of this simple but powerful influence on your fat loss!

Consideration #4: Do you have signs of a thyroid and/or adrenal issue?

This relates somewhat to point 2 re: hormones.  Our adrenal glands and thyroid control and greatly influence our metabolic rate (i.e. how fast we are burning food), as well as influence things like our energy levels, immunity, temperature regulation, and more.  Many individuals, due to modern lifestyles, pollution, overwork, medications, and more are ‘wearing out’ these regulatory endocrine glands, which is additionally sabotaging their ability to lose weight.  This is such a big issue nowadays, I also wrote a book on this subject with a Canadian health coach ( for more information). 
Being assessed for this via a qualified healthcare provider and changing your lifestyle, supporting with supplements, and possibly prescriptive supports can help ensure this is standing in your way of progress! 

Consideration #5: Are you eating & drinking what you should be?

This should go without saying but one can’t expect to exercise and still eat nutrient poor, processed foods and lose weight, which hopefully now you should realize after reading the Paleo diet book!  Many people still slip up though and in the realm of exercise ‘foods,’ many ‘protein bars’ and ‘energy drinks’ can be the culprit of this.  Often packed with sugar, hydrogenated fats, and various man-made chemicals, these items are rarely highly nutritious and thus you have to be very careful with taking a close look at such labels. 
Remember some of these items are made with the intent of helping you gain weight by packing on muscle (and some fat) for those people who are trying to bulk up!  So, don’t let yourself fall victim to this by simply not paying attention to what you’re consuming pre- and post-workout!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Text The Romance Back

Do you think you “don’t have time for romance?” Relationship expert Michael Fiore thinks you’re wrong… in fact, he says he can show you how to bring all the romance, love and even passion you’re missing back into your relationship, simply by pushing a few buttons on the cell phone you have in your pocket or purse right now.
“Digital Telepathy”
“Text messages are the closest thing to telepathy we have,” says Fiore. “Simply by pushing a few buttons on your cell phone, you can create a private little fantasy world between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife … where you can say or do anything without anyone else having a clue.”
He Made Rachael Tingle
Michael Fiore and his “Text The Romance Back” method have been featured on national television and radio including appearing on “The Rachael Ray Show” on Valentine’s Day, we're just one of Michael’s “Magic” texts gave Rachael “tingles” and had the whole audience oohing and ahhing.
Go watch this short video to learn how to use tiny little text messages to bring the spark and electricity back into your relationship (even if your man is a “Romantic Numbskull” or if your woman is an “ice queen.”) It’s worked for thousands of couples around the world, and Michael Fiore guarantees it will work for you.

Best Meditation Music

Music has been used in Meditation since its very beginning. Certain music has healing benefits to those who meditate. There is a lot of truth in this, since music influence one's mood and state of mind. The most common effect of music, in this case relaxing meditation music, is its calming effect. Those who listen will feel relaxed and make meditation more pleasant. Other special meditation and tribal music have cleansing effect. This kind of music usually works on your Chakras. Certain vibration and frequency clean your chakras and mental bodies.

Along with other meditation equipment, such as meditation chairs, meditation music has been selling well. In Meditation forum we could see lots of people sell and discuss which meditation music is the best. Some people would argue that the traditional tribal music, such as Native American or Indian Music is the best, while the others are insisting on the more modern, electronically produced meditation music. The fact of the matter, they are both are right. As long as the music makes them more relaxed and pleasant, listening to such music in meditation is good. However, this habit could lead to dependency. Those who always depend on music to make their meditation more relaxing and pleasant will be too dependent on the music itself. We heard a lot of confession that they could not do a deep meditation without a good meditation music.

Meditation is one way to communicate with the Source, the Beginning of Everything and nothing is supposed to come between you and The Source. Although most of the times you will be assisted by Light Masters, Angels and Arch Angels, especially in the beginning, you can communicate with The Source directly, without any help from anybody or anything. The Divine Love and Lights that comes from the Source is the Best Music of All. When you are blessed with it, you will feel overwhelmed and full of joy - more than any music in the world could hypnotize you .

When you are meditating in Pure Unconditional Love, You could do it anywhere you wish. You could meditate in the park, in your living room, or even while you are working. You don't need to close your eyes to have Divine Love & Lights pouring in through your Crown Chakra. Meditating or communicating with The Source will never be the same again, You could do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This way, you are always connected to The Source, without any limitation.

One has to remember, The Source is limitless. So, why are we limiting ourselves in order to communicate (meditating) with Him? Do not limit yourselves with rituals, music or even sitting position. The best music is meditation is the inner smile from deep within you. You are now set to communicate with Him, anywhere and anytime. Enjoy it.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

D not Wasting Your Time In Exercise Wonderland?

Fitness and exercise difficulty make us look for other ways to reach the results that we want to have an alternative to the practice of physical collar
Especially not if you take to exercise like Alice does when she visits Wonderland and encounters the
Red Queen's race.
 As Alice quickly discovers - somewhat frustratingly - though she runs and runs she remains in exactly the same spot.

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 So she quips to the Red Queen that where she comes from "you'd generally get to somewhere else - if you run very fast for a long time, as we've been doing.

" "A slow sort of country!" the Queen roars back at her incredulously. "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!

" Now I'd love to be able to tell you that Lewis Carroll brilliantly anticipated the treadmill a good century before its time, but that's just not the case. In the early nineteenth century treadmills were used as punishment devices for people sentenced to hard labor in prisons. Of course, if you have spent any time using a treadmill machine in an effort to get fit you will know that this curious historical note has a real ring of the truth about it!

 Not only does running on the spot literally get you nowhere fast, according to fitness expert Carolyn Hansen it's a COMPLETE waste of your time if your goal is to improve your level of fitness.

 Carolyn co-owns a gym, and like thousands of gym-owners across the world she concedes to the client's desire to stock her gym with a more than sufficient supply of the "go nowhere" exercise machines.

 "But in my heart," she says, "I know that the people using them are getting NOWHERE near the benefits of physical exercise that they COULD be getting from the time they allocate to pursing their fitness goals." So what SHOULD they be doing instead? According to Carolyn they should be stepping OFF those treadmills and doing the kinds of exercise that will give you the benefits of TWO workouts in one. And in HALF the time! If you want to learn how, grab her FREE REPORT which answers that exact question: Click here to discover How To Get The Benefits Of TWO Workouts In OneAs Carolyn would say, this may be the way to break out of your Wonderland experience in the gym once and for all.